A recipe for Cold Brew Season!

Cold Brew Season! A New Way to enjoy your coffee this summer.

Cold brew coffee is the new way to enjoy coffee. This type of coffee has been beginning to be more popular. It's made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for 12-24 hours, which results in a coffee that's less acidic, smoother, and has more flavor than traditional hot coffee. Plus, it's super easy to make at home!

Here is a recipe on how I learned how to brew cold brew. Let me share it with you:

  1. Typically I like a 16oz cup of cold brew. This would be about 454grams of coffee that would be good for a 16oz water. If you are preparing cold brew for the week, you can add in more coffee. But do not forget the ratio of water to coffee. You can then coarsely ground coffee with about 16oz of cold water in a jar or container (you can also have our cold brew coffee be delivered ground). 
  2. Do not forget to stir the contents inside your container.
  3. Cover the jar or container and refrigerate for 12-24 hours.
  4. After 12-24 hours, strain the coffee through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
  5. Then you are done! If you like, you can add in some milk too. Take it with you on a nice warm day and be refreshed without breaking the bank. 

    It is not only delicious but cold brew coffee is less acidic than traditional hot coffee, which can be gentler on your stomach. You can add in your oatmilk or some almond milk to give it a more creamier taste to it. 

    So, if you're looking for a delicious and easy way to enjoy coffee, give cold brew a try! Let us know how that cold brew goes! 

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